Yes, summer is comin', festival season is comin'. Even, Coachella has its end, with its second weekend. Fetsivals are always very free, because then it's summer, it's, and everybody make her fashion - crazinesses come true. ;) A few specialities of the festivals: hat, headband, colorful prints, airy pieces, boots, jeans, maxi dress, jewellery and wild and wilder accessories. I also collected a few ones for you.
-kalap / hat: Bershka
-poncsó, fehér ruha, szoknya, farmer, válltáska /
poncho, white dress, skirt, jeans, shoulder bag: H&M
-kezes – lábas / jumpsuit: Stradivarius
-mintás ruha, zebrás szandál / printed dress, zebra
sandals: Zara
-nadrág / trousers: Vero Moda
-barna táska / brown bag: Springfield
-arany karkötők / gold bracelets: Forever21
-mintás rövidnadrág, szegecses szandál / printed shorts,
studded sandals: Mango
-fa karkötők / wood bracelets: Pull & Bear
-láncos karkötő / bracelet with chains: Promod
Mondhatni Vanessa Hudgens a Coachella hercegnője. Egyébként is bohém a stílusa, s a fesztiválon ezt ki is élheti. Idén korán be is vásárolt, hogy elég ruhája legyen, amiket majd a többi sztár mellett meg is nézünk. Addig is íme a következő sorozat melyet az amerikai Cosmopolitan készítette róla az áprilisi számba, hiszen ők is tudják, hogy, ha valaki, Vanessa ismeri a fesztivál divatot.

We can say, that Vanessa Hudgens is the princess of the Coachella. Otherwise her style is bohemian too, and she can make on the highest levels on the festivals. This year, she purchase clothes early, to have enough, and we will see hers too, next to the other celebrites. But 'til then here's the next shoot of the american Cosmopolitan's april issue, because they also know, that if there's somebody who knows the festival fashion, that is Vanessa.
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