Also this year the holiday windows and inside, outside decorations became wonderful. Most of the set-ups was organized still by different themes, but they still tried to do something new and extravagant.
Barney's New York
A Baz dazzled névre hallgató koncepció Baz Luhrmann rendező elképzelése, néhány kirakatban a meghatározott időpontba előszereplős fellépés is megtekinthető, továbbá mozognak is a fémdíszek, érdemes megnézni a videókat itt megtaláljátok őket.
The conception, called Baz dazzled is the brainchild of Baz Luhrmann. At certain time there are even real people performing in some of the windows, and some of the metal preparations even move, it's worth-watching, you can find videos of them here.
Bergdorf Goodman
Claridge's: Dolce & Gabbana tree
Idén a Burberryt kérték fel a tervezésre, aminek (természetesen) az igazi brit karácsony lett az eredménye, melyet Kate Moss és Cara Delevingne leplezett le. Ha pedig valaki nem látná a kampányfotón Karlie Kloss és Simon Nessman szerepel, illetve Mario Testino volt a fotós. A Printemps Facebookján egyébként kis videókat is láthattok, hogy a babák h forognak az kirakatokban.
This year Burberry was asked to design, which resulted (of course) a real brittish christmas., which was unveiled by Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne. And if anybody wouldn't see, the tiny people on the campaignphoto are Karlie Kloss and Simon Nessman, photographed by Mario Testino. On Printemps Facebook you can even find ome short videos showing how the little dolls move in the windows.
Saks Fifth Avenue
fashionista.com, Barney's, www.vogue.com, Harrod's, Printemps, Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue,
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